Our Mission Statement

With great pride and pleasure, The Heritage School has started its second branch at the Shastradhara Road Campus, Dehradun.
We are, “The Heritage School North Campus”.
Welcome to the Junior School comprises Classes III to V, Middle School from VI – VIII and Senior School are IX and above. Each year, these classes will move up, and the school will very soon grow to be a full-fledged Senior Seconday School.
The vision of the founders has now become even stronger with the school management committing itself to providing to society, a socially and morally responsible learning community; learning that is applicable to real life and is lifelong. To ensure this, the school recognizes the importance of establishing a strong partnership between home and school as a critical factor in the success and all-round development of each child. We respect the fact that the world over parents remain the child’s first teachers.
At North Campus, teachers are facilitators who consider the requirements of individual students and provide extra reinforcement for those students who need it, while continuing to provide a rigorous curriculum for all.
Along with academic needs, the school understands and values the emotional, moral, spiritual, physical, cultural and social development of each Heritagian. The school also recognizes the importance of a student’s respect for self and for others. The enthused staff members at North Campus constantly endeavour to conscientize the students of their rights as also their duties so that they become ‘Trail Blazers’ of the future.
Our Beliefs
Our Expectations
Our constant quest is to provide our students with the very best. We want them to enjoy being at North Campus and in the years to come, remember and recollect the valuable time spent at school.
The Heritage School, North Campus moves on…
Proud of the Past
Touching the Future…