Hi, I’m Ayushmaan, a Class 10 student at The Heritage School North Campus.
Here’s what being a student today really feels like, and a few tricks I use, to stay on track.
Constant Distractions: Between smartphones, social media, and endless online entertainment, focusing on homework is almost impossible. Every time I sit to study, my phone vibrates, reminding me there’s a world of funny memes and videos out there.
The Pull of Comfort: There’s always the urge to grab a snack, take a quick nap, or reorganize my desk. It feels easier than studying, especially when the pressure is high.
Expectations from Parents and Teachers: My parents expect high scores, and so do my teachers. This adds extra pressure to make sure I’m not just studying but doing my best work, which can be overwhelming with all these distractions around.
The Solution – ‘Study Sprints’ and Mini-Rewards: I set a timer for short study sessions (about 15-20 minutes) and give myself small rewards for staying focused—like a piece of chocolate.
Blocking Apps Temporarily: I use app blockers on my phone while studying, so I’m not tempted to check notifications. I even put my phone out of reach (sometimes even in the fridge!) to avoid distractions.
The Goal: With these hacks, I can push through the distractions, keep up with expectations, and finish my tasks. And when I’m done, I can enjoy all those funny videos without any guilt.
This is how I manage to balance school, expectations, and distractions—one ‘study sprint’ at a time!
This is my strategy, I wonder what is yours?