It is with much joy and great pride that The Heritage School Dehradun announces the opening of its Second Branch The Heritage School North Campus at Nooriwala, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun.
64 years of experience in the field of imparting service to society through education has brought in noble results. With the launch of our second branch I wish the very best to the School. I am also confident that as in the ‘Parent School’ education at the North Campus will prove to be rich and rewarding. Thus giving to the students entrusted to the care of this school not just Academic skills but also strong emotional bondings, secure social relationships and an understanding of the spiritual self.
My very best wishes to all parents, students and the faculty.
Siddhartha Chaudhary
It is my strong belief, that education is the key that unlocks the path to contentment, advancement and transformation. At The Heritage School, North Campus we follow the ideology that education is not only about pursuit of academic excellence, but also about creating individuals who will grow up to be happy and progressive citizens of the world.
The year 2019 scripts the commencement of the North Campus; with an innovative and applicable attitude towards the 21st Century skills, we have upon us the mammoth responsibility of building the future of our nation.
Our endeavour is to ensure that each child grows to their full potential. Our capable, committed and dedicated team of educators, is the dynamic force behind the all round development of the students and the growth of the School.
Nelson Mandela rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is my vision that every Heritagians from North Campus will be suave and courteous, and a passionate lifelong learner, who will be able to make a difference to humanity.
God bless!
Mrs. Chandrika Chaudhary