Fee, Fines, Charges & Penalties

Payment of Fee is currently done at the Fee Office of the school. The school issues a Fee-Book (which may be replaced with direct banking later) which will state the fee to be paid for the year and must be paid according to the stipulated schedule and on the due dates.

The payment of the fee will be as follows:

April to be paid in April along with Term Fee
May & June to be paid in May
July to be paid in July
August & September to be paid in August
October to be paid in October along with Term Fee
November to be paid in November
December & January to be paid in December
February & March to be paid in February


Note: If non-payment of Fee the child’s name is struck off, then only at the discretion of the Principal/Management will Re-Admission be considered. If Re-Admission is granted, then it will be treated as a new case and all old dues must first be cleared prior to any consideration.

Fee should be paid between the hours of 8:00 AM to 12 :30PM on working days at the fee Counter, or as advised.

An official stamped receipt should be taken on the day of paying the School Fee. To help in paying the Fee quickly, the Fee-Book should please be brought as it has all the relevant details. Failing which, the depositor should know the child’s official full name, class, section and specially the fee Folio Number.


  • 1
    All fee are to be paid by the 10th of the month of the fee Cycle.
  • 2
    Failing which a Late Fee Penalty is imposed. If the fee are not paid by the 25th of the Payment Month, the name of the membership will stand cancelled.
  • 3
    If due to a genuine reason fee for the month cannot be paid by the 25th day of the month, then only on/after approval of the Principal/Management can this unpaid amount and penalties be added to the fee for the next month for payment (Re-Admission charges are Rs. 1000/-)
  • 4
    If fee are not paid prior to any Examination the child may not be allowed to appear in the examination and the result(s) will be withheld.
  • 5
    Fee once paid will not be refunded/under any circumstances.
  • 6
    Fee can be revised at any time  of the year, without prior notice.
  • 7
    The Security Deposit will only be Refunded (without interest) while producing the original receipt along with an application requesting its Refund only at the time of leaving school/while collecting the Transfer Certificate.
    However, the Refund will only be payable by the school provided:
    a) All the Fee and/or Dues are cleared. b) There has been no damage or breakage to School good or property by any child or his/her/guardian/parent. c) And finally of there is no disciplinary action pending against the child/children.

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